
Welcome to Shore Lanes ~ Palm Bay

There is always something special going on at Shore Lanes ~ Palm Bay! Join us for one of our great Daily Specials or bring your group here for your next outing. Corporate Events, Team Building, Company Parties are just a few things that we do here at Shore Lanes ~ Palm Bay.

Contact us today for additional information.

Summer Programs sign-ups have begun! Looking to join the fun?
You can sign up on-line today!

Host your next company party at Shore Lanes!


Shore Lanes is available for rent for your company’s next event! Your company can hold a special tournament, have a fundraiser, host a company outing, or almost anything else you can dream of! Go to our rates section to find out more information!

Thank you for stopping by www.shorelanes.com the official website of Shore Lanes Bowling Center located in Melbourne, Florida. We appreciate your interest, and welcome you to explore our website.